5 Nova Scotia Tech Startups to Watch in 2021

Nova Scotia startups

When it comes to Atlantic Canada, the cat is out of the bag. The region has been quietly developing some of the country’s most promising technology. Now, investors’ heads are turning to Nova Scotia-based companies, such as Verafin which was acquired for 2.75 billion USD just weeks ago. With groundbreaking ideas and impressive growth, more … Read more

Venbridge Insights: Why are fewer New Small Businesses filing SR&ED claims?

Less Small Companies Are Applying for SRED

Each year about 20,000 Canadian businesses file for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credits. The data shows that the number of claimants over the past 3 years has been relatively stable. That said, one telling measure of Canada’s ability to promote innovation and nurture new businesses is the number of new SR&ED claimants … Read more