IDM Tax Credit Financing: Why Choose Venbridge?

IDM Tax Credit Financing: Why Choose Venbridge?

The world of digital media and gaming is dynamic, and companies operating in this space that want a competitive advantage must understand the value of government incentive programs. The Interactive Digital Media (IDM) tax credit is one such program that offers tremendous support to businesses in eligible jurisdications, and Venbridge is here to help you … Read more

How Vancouver-Based Companies Unlock Capital Using Their SR&ED Tax Credits 

How Vancouver-Based Companies Unlock Capital Using SR&ED Tax Credits

Canadian companies engaged in research and development (R&D) activities can easily tap into government incentives, including the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program, with the help of a trusted investment tax credit (ITC) financer. As a leading SR&ED financing partner, Venbridge is here to assist Vancouver-based businesses in maximizing their returns and accelerating growth. Continue … Read more

How Toronto-Based Companies Maximize Their SR&ED Tax Credits

How Toronto-Based Companies Can Maximize Their SR&ED Credits

Venbridge’s flexible SR&ED financing solutions put you in control of your funding timeline. As you spend on SR&ED-eligible expenditures throughout the year, you accrue an expenditure pool that you can submit as part of a tax credit claim with your annual taxes. If you have a legitimate claim to refundable SR&ED tax credits, you’ll receive … Read more

What are the Benefits of SR&ED Financing?

What are the benefits of SR&ED financing?

If you’re looking to expand your budget for scientific experimentation and research and development (R&D), the Canadian Government’s SR&ED program is a valuable resource to consider. The SR&ED program offers eligible business owners tax credits to help fuel their efforts to innovate.  SR&ED is the Canadian government’s largest program dedicated to R&D support. The SR&ED … Read more