Weighing the Benefits of SR&ED Financing vs. Venture Capital

Weighing the Benefits of SR&ED Financing VS Venture Capital

If you’ve reached the next stage of your research and development (R&D) project, you’re likely on the hunt for additional capital. Research is expensive: in addition to the salaries paid to yourself or your research team, you’ll need to foot the bill for materials, overhead costs, and other related expenses. None of this is easy … Read more

Navigating SR&ED Tax Credits: Best Practices and Overlooked Details 

Navigating SR&ED Tax Credits

Businesses engaged in research and development (R&D) activities should prepare for filing their Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SRED) claims well before their year-end. Understanding best practices and addressing commonly overlooked details is key to making the most of SR&ED tax credits in Canada.   Below, we will cover some best practices and overlooked factors associated with … Read more

4 Ways Startups Can Use SR&ED Financing to Maximize Growth

4 Ways Startups Can use SR&ED Financing to Maximize Growth

Wondering how you can accelerate your business growth? If you’re looking to fund your research and development (R&D) efforts in 2024, there’s no better time. Companies across Canada are busy looking for ways to extend their runway and boost their capital resources to offset the many costs that come with innovation. Exploring scientific and technological … Read more

Common Errors While Filing SR&ED: How to avoid delays with your SR&ED claim

Common Errors while filing SR&ED

Having access to funding is a lifeline for businesses. For companies engaged in scientific research and experimental development, this funding becomes even more critical, as R&D is often a costly endeavour. The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program is the Canadian Government’s largest source of financial support for companies engaged in R&D activities. SR&ED provides over … Read more