Weighing the Benefits of SR&ED Financing vs. Venture Capital

Weighing the Benefits of SR&ED Financing VS Venture Capital

If you’ve reached the next stage of your research and development (R&D) project, you’re likely on the hunt for additional capital. Research is expensive: in addition to the salaries paid to yourself or your research team, you’ll need to foot the bill for materials, overhead costs, and other related expenses. None of this is easy … Read more

Power Your R&D in 2024 with SR&ED Financing

Power Your R&D in 2024 with SR&ED financing

Canada’s Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program is the country’s largest government initiative dedicated to supporting domestic businesses engaged in innovation and development. At Venbridge, we’re proud to partner with companies across Canada to offer trusted non-dilutive venture debt solutions that allow you to pursue innovation and development without the stress of overhead costs and managing … Read more

Innovation Through Financing: Leveraging the Digital Media Tax Credit 

Leveraging the Digital Media Tax Credit

For companies in the interactive digital media industry, staying at the forefront of technology and creativity is crucial. Provincial governments across Canada recognize the significance of fostering innovation within this dynamic field and offer support through the Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (IDMTC). At Venbridge, we understand Canadian companies’ unique challenges in the interactive digital … Read more

Unlock Growth Potential with Non-Dilutive SR&ED Financing

Unlock growth potential with non-dilutive SR&ED financing

Is your company looking to enhance its funding potential with government tax incentives, such as the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program, but is concerned with the long wait period between incurring expenses and receiving reimbursement? Fortunately, Venbridge is here to help! By financing your SR&ED tax credits through Venbridge, your business can accelerate … Read more

Working with a SR&ED Consultant vs. Self-Preparing Claims

Working with a SR&ED consultant VS Self-Preparing Claims

The Canadian government’s Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program offers tax incentives to corporations engaged in research and development (R&D) activities, intending to fuel the growth of innovative enterprises nationwide. However, navigating the intricacies of the SR&ED program can be a tough challenge. While some businesses opt for the self-prepared approach to filing their … Read more

Accelerating Innovation: Why SR&ED Tax Credits are a Game-Changer for Canadian Businesses

Accelerating Innovation: Why SR&ED Tax Credits are a Game-Changer for Canadian Businesses

Reading time: 4 minutes. One of the biggest challenges companies in Canada face when it comes to pursuing research and development (R&D) is securing adequate funding to facilitate operations. While ample grants, loans and even equity-based options are available, one of the most beneficial, non-dilutive avenues for scientific and technological-based initiatives to consider is the Scientific Research … Read more

Tips for Successful SR&ED Applications

Tips for Successful SR&ED Applications

Reading time: 5 minutes. Do you know how to give your SR&ED claim the best opportunity to be approved or, better yet, maximize your refund? The Scientific Research and Experimental Development program (SR&ED) is Canada’s largest government-funded source of support for companies pursuing research and development (R&D) and technological advancement across the country. The main goal … Read more

Should I Consider an SR&ED Consultant?

Should I Consider an SR&ED Consultant?

Reading time: 5 minutes. Have you considered the benefits of partnering with a consultant when applying for the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program in Canada? As the country’s largest source of government funding for research and development (R&D), SR&ED is designed to help businesses and researchers offset some of the costs associated with pursuing … Read more

SR&ED Eligibility: How to Know if Your Project is Eligible for Government Tax Incentives

SR&ED Eligibility: How to Know if Your Project is Eligible for Government Tax Incentives

Has your company considered applying for or previously received Canada’s Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit? As the country’s largest source of research and development (R&D) focused tax incentive, the SR&ED program provides valuable resources for companies across the nation, particularly in innovation hotspots like British Columbia, Ontario and Montreal. Each year, the … Read more