How Vancouver-Based Companies Unlock Capital Using Their SR&ED Tax Credits 

How Vancouver-Based Companies Unlock Capital Using SR&ED Tax Credits

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Canadian companies engaged in research and development (R&D) activities can easily tap into government incentives, including the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program, with the help of a trusted investment tax credit (ITC) financer. As a leading SR&ED financing partner, Venbridge is here to assist Vancouver-based businesses in maximizing their returns and accelerating growth. Continue reading to find out how Venbridge can help!

British Columbia’s Provincial SR&ED Tax Credit

Vancouver-based companies, particularly Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs), can access significant financial support by claiming both federal SR&ED tax credits and British Columbia’s provincial R&D tax credits. The B.C. R&D incentive program enables businesses to claim a refundable tax credit worth 10% (on top of the 35% offered federally) of eligible expenditures.

If your business in Vancouver is looking to claim the B.C. R&D tax credit it is essential to meet the deadline for filing your claim.

Your Source for SR&ED Financing

Navigating the complex landscape of SR&ED tax credits can be daunting, but financing your SR&ED credits with Venbridge is quick and straightforward. At Venbridge, we offer a founder-friendly, non-dilutive SR&ED financing solution that ensures access to the capital you need to continue your R&D work.

Our highly experienced team specializes in providing innovative Canadian businesses with streamlined access to SR&ED financing. By choosing Venbridge, companies can access non-dilutive capital without delay. This alleviates some of the cash flow challenges associated with critical R&D work and scaling a business.

Accelerate Your Growth with Venbridge!

Take advantage of the opportunity to receive $50,000 to $2,000,000 of funding that can drive your R&D projects to new heights by financing your SR&ED tax credits with Venbridge.

Contact our team and accelerate your business today!

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