REV Venture Capital


REV is a global venture capital partnership. We are backed by one of the world's largest content, technology and analytics companies, RELX Group.Our mission is to help build companies that can transform their markets through the application of data, technology and analytics. Since 2000 we have invested over $200m in Big Data, Digital Health, Internet and Enterprise Technology companies. We have been early investors in disruptive category leaders like Palantir, Healthline, Babbel and Netli.We are a global investor active in all the major western venture capital hubs - San Francisco, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Seattle, London, Berlin and Tel Aviv. Our largest portfolio cluster is in California.We typically invest at an early/mid stage, lead rounds and take active board seats. However, we will also invest at a much later stage and take follower/observer positions for the right opportunity. We make initial investments of between $1-$10m.We back talented, ambitious entrepreneurs and management teams who have the drive to disrupt markets and build category leaders.Our companies share a common drive to disrupt and transform their markets through the application of data, technology and analytics. Our portfolio spans 15 time zones and multiple industry sectors.



Focus area





Name: Tony Askew
Title: Founder Partner

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